Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thanksgiving Pecan Pie Cheesecake x 3

In case you didn't know, we are up to our ears in pecans at our house.  I can't collect them or shell them fast enough.  The leaves are gone from our trees, but pecans are still a-fallin'.  Therefore, I decided to use as many as I could for Thanksgiving desserts.  I normally don't bake, but what they hay?  Several hours later (baking is HARD) I was the proud creator of 3 Pecan Pie Cheescakes - one for my family's tailgate party, one for Alex's family and the other for our favorite across the street neighbors.  Happy Holidays!!!
One of umpteen bags of pecans


More Pecans

I hadn't tasted Vanilla Wafers in probably over 10 years.  Yummy!



Dark Karo Syrup



3 pots...

For 3 pies

I got lazy and didn't take pictures of making the cheesecake filling. 

The kitchen was a nightmare mess.

Bake, Bake, Bake

The next day after cooled and decorated

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